CILI Prosperity Plan
Start Earning Today
To particiapte in CILI Prosperity Plan simply purchase a membership for $39.95 and activate with at least 65 personal BV points.
Want FREE Products?
Simply join our Easy Order auto-ship program with one bottle of Cili Swish, and you instantly become a VIP Member and receive a $25 Cili spray each month FREE. As a VIP member you also save 10% on all future Easy Orders through our loyalty program, and you have the opportunity to get your product free each month if you refer two VIP customers. Additionally as a VIP member you qualify for all bonuses with only 50 BV on Easy Order instead of 65 BV in standard orders. In other words, one bottle of Swish on your monthly Easy Order is all it takes to satisfy your personal volume requirements to earn all the bonuses in the Cili Prosperity Plan and get free product every month.

1. Retail Commissions
There are 10 different ways to earn money in Cili, the first is our lucrative Retail Commissions. Every time a customer makes a purchase from your replicated website you earn a 25% retail bonus. This bonus is paid weekly and there is no limit on the number of customers you can refer or how much you can earn. In addition to earning 25% on your personal customers you can also earn 10% from the customer orders of members you personally sponsor, 5% from the customer orders of the members they sponsor, and 5% from the customers’ orders of the members they sponsor. That’s 4 levels of retail commissions for a total of 45%

2. Retail Fast Start Bonus
The second way to earn is perfect for those who like to get off to a quick start, it’s our Retail Fast Start Bonus. Simply generate 10 different personal VIP customers with a total of 500 BV in your first 4 weeks and receive a $300 Retail Fast Start bonus. This bonus is paid in $150 of free products of your choice, and $150 in bonus money.
3. Personal Sales Bonus
Next when you refer others who become Cili members, you receive a Personal Sales Bonus of up to 25% of their order. This is not a one-time payout, you earn a Personal Sales Bonus every time any of your personally sponsored members place an order. This bonus is paid weekly, and there is no limit to the number of members you can sponsor and bonuses you can earn.
4. Business Builder Fast Start
The forth way to earn is the Business Builder Fast Start Bonus. There are three requirements to earn this bonus. First simply generate 200 in personal BV, this can be done through the accumulation of your orders and the orders of your personal customers, or by purchasing a Builder’s pack with 200 BV. Second personally sponsor and maintain 4 VIP customers, and third, personally sponsor and maintain 4 VIP members who each purchased a Builders Pack. That’s it, perform these 3 tasks in your first 4 weeks and you earn a $400 Fast Start Bonus. This bonus is paid in $200 of free products of your choice, and $200 in bonus money. Duplicate this bonus throughout your team and you’ll be on your way to earning a great income in Cili.
5. Team Commissions
The fifth income stream is Team Commissions. To start your team personally sponsor and maintain two qualified members, one on your left sales team and one on the right sales team. You can sponsor as many members as you would like, simply place them in left or right team as needed. Those you sponsor can also build a team and sponsor on their left and right as well. Every week the company’s computer searches your left team and your right team through infinity, it calculates the BV from all of your team members and customers and pays you up to 20% of your lesser sales team’s BV. You will want to put some serious effort into building your team, at Cili’s highest rank the Team Commissions are capped at a MILLION DOLLARS A MONTH, that’s why we call it the PROSPERITY PLAN.

6. Mentor Bonus
The sixth way to earn is called the Mentor Bonus. At Cili we believe in the concept that if you help people get what they want, you’ll get what you want. So we’re going to incentivize you to help the people you personally sponsor become successful. With the Cili Mentoring Bonus you can earn up to 50% of the team commissions of ALL of your personally sponsored members EACH and EVERY week. It’s a pretty simple concept with a BIG return, the more you help your personals make, the more you make.

7. Car & Transportation Bonus
Our Car and Transportation Bonus is the seventh way to earn. This bonus was designed with the business builder in mind. We understand that if you are just starting out, some extra cash to pay for Uber rides or a couple hundred dollars a month for gas to build your business can come in handy. Maybe you would like some extra money to top off your car payment or perhaps you’d like to buy the car of your dreams. Well the Cili Car and Transportation Bonus allows all of these scenarios the become reality. Qualify and maintain the C-4 rank or higher and you can earn up to $1,200 each month for transportation, to be used at your discretion.

8. Travel & Expense Account
The 8th way to earn is our Travel and Expense Account Bonus. Whether it’s meals & entertainment, airline tickets, rental cars or hotel rooms, we’ve got you covered. Just qualify and maintain the rank of C-5 or higher and you earn up to $10,000 a month to build your business, travel the world, or use as you please.
9. Healthcare & Insurance Bonus
In a time of rising healthcare cost, let us put your mind and wallet at ease with our 9th way to earn. The Cili Healthcare and Insurance Bonus is just what is says, a bonus designed to help cover the cost of healthcare and insurance for you and your family. Qualify and maintain the rank of C-6 or higher and you can earn up to $1200 a month with this bonus. Already have healthcare, don’t need insurance? That’s quite alright, you still get the bonus to spend any way you want.
10. Rank Bonuses
The 10th way to earn is Rank Bonuses. Starting at the rank of C-5 each time you qualify and maintain a rank for 3 consecutive months you earn a Rank Bonus. These bonuses start at $1,000 and increase with each rank all the way up to $250,000 for the top rank. The accumulative total of all Rank Bonuses is a whopping $443,500 making it certainly worth the journey to the top.

Building a Cili business is a LOT of fun, and in addition to the Prosperity Plan, you will have multiple opportunities each year to earn world class trips, cruises, and getaways to some of the most beautiful locales in the world.