Blank Form (#3)APPOINTMENT FORM FOR 3-WAY CALL OR ZOOM CALL WITH CILI FOUNDERComplete this form to request an appointment to introduce a qualified prospect (or new member) to the founder of CILI By DesignYOUR INFORMATIONFirst NameLast NameCILI ID NUMBEREmail Phone NumberPROSPECT INFORMATIONFirst NameLast NameEmailProspects Facebook and/or Instagram LinkProspects CityProspects StateProspects CountryIs This Person Already In CILI?- Select -YesNoIf Yes, ID Number?If Yes, What Pack Did They Start With?- Select -Consumer PackIntro PackNetworker PackPro PackNetwork Marketing Experience?- Select -YesNoIf Yes, How Many Years?Name of MLM companies prospect have been with, how long, income, size of team.Current CompanyHow Long?Monthly IncomeSize of TeamProspects Monthly Team BVPrevious CompanyHow Long?Monthly IncomeSize of TeamProspects Monthly Team BVPrevious CompanyHow Long?Monthly IncomeSize of TeamProspects Monthly Team BvOccupation prior to or other than MLM?Does prospect plan on bringing a team with them to CILI yes or no?- Select -YesNoIf so what size?Why is prospect looking to change companies and what is most important to them in choosing and MLM company?Additional info you would like to share with the founder about this prospect?What has prospect completely reviewed?CILI Website- Select -YesNoCILI Works Testimony Site?- Select -YesNoCILI Founder's Bio?- Select -YesNoCILI Sample Package?- Select -YesNoRecorded Webinar Or Live Product Presentation?- Select -YesNoRecorded Or Live Opportunity Presentation?- Select -YesNoCOMP Plan Presentation Or Video?- Select -YesNoHas prospect been on a 3-way/ Zoom with one of your upline leaders of C5 or higher? (Not Including Yourself)- Select -YesNoIf Yes, Name & ID of Upline?What is the purpose of introducing this prospect to the Founder, i.e what would you like to see accomplished?Preferred method, date and time for this appointment (request must be made in PST ONLY)Choose OneZoom3 Way CallConference CallIn PersonDateTime (PST)AM or PM- Select -AMPMDateTime (PST)AM or PM- Select -AMPMDateTime (PST)AM or PM- Select -AMPMSubmit Form